Sph_ Mac OS

Updated – 11/17/2020

Adobe Spark is an online and mobile design app. Easily create stunning social graphics, short videos, and web pages that make you stand out on social and beyond. Operating System. Windows 7 or later, or Mac OS X Yosemite (version 10.10) or later. The email address used when purchasing X-Particles will become your registered license email address. This same email address will need to be entered, when requested, in order to use X-Particles.

Campus Assistance Program Webinar for SPH Students, Faculty & Staff

Topic: CAP Resources & Presentation to SPH
Date: Nov 16, 2020 11:57 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Updated – 7/17/2020

School of Public Health New Student Orientation – Fall 2020

The SPH New Student Pre-Orientation is now in progress on Moodle and “On-site” Orientation is schedule to be held on Monday, August 10th and Tuesday, August 11th, beginning at 9:00 AM and ending at 2:00 PM on both dates. “On-site” Orientation will be conducted virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Please visit the New Student Orientation webpage for more detailed information.

Updated – 7/6/2020

As of June 19, the School of Public Health is deciding to plan for a shift to remote learning for our MPH program. However, due to small class size and research requirements, the MS and PhD programs will be taught in the traditional or blended format. To facilitate this, faculty should prepare for the fall courses including the following:

All SPH Courses

  • All classes will be conducted remotely following the Thanksgiving break through the end of the semester. This will reduce the amount of exposure due to travel for our students.
  • All courses will have an active presence on Moodle by August 12.

MS and PhD Courses

  • Course syllabus should include details on schedule, expectations, and assignments including plans outlining any changes that will occur due to remote course administration. Please submit a copy to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) by August 12.
    • Please include considerations for physical and social distancing in assignments and group project requirements.
  • It is also recommended faculty conduct a trial remote session early in the semester. These sessions may include one or more video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, interactive assignments, or reading and writing assignments as determined by course directors.
  • At this time, all MS and PhD courses will be assigned a classroom space from August through the day before Thanksgiving (8/12 – 11/25). However, should remote instruction become necessary, scheduling of these spaces will change. Any such changes will be communicated by the Dean and ADAA. We are closely looking at all classroom spaces on campus to find ways to spread students out in classrooms. Whenever possible, smaller classes will be held in larger rooms so that students can physically distance. In areas where this is not possible, face coverings will be required, especially in hallways, stairwells, elevators, and other confined areas in which 6 feet of physical distance is not possible to achieve.

MPH Courses

  • All MPH courses will be conducted via Moodle using Zoom and Mediasite as supplementary tools.
  • Course syllabus should include details on schedule, expectations and assignments including plans outlining any changes in expectations of remote course administration. Please submit a copy to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) by August 12.

Updated – 6/4/2020

COVID-19 FALL 2020 (.PDF)

Updated – 5/12/2020

COVID-19 Jobs & Job Training

Local and national COVID-19 jobs and job training opportunities can be found in theCareer Services sectionof our SPH website.

Check the SPH Job Board for specific jobs which will be listed as they become available.

Contact Martha Cuccia directly for any questions.

Updated – 5/7/2020

Invitation: SPH 2020 Pre-Commencement Awards Ceremony

will take place Wednesday, May 13th , 2020 at 3:00 PM virtually with Zoom.

Registration in not required to join in the virtual Pre-Commencement Awards Ceremony.

Virtual Ceremony
Please use the following link to view the recording of the Ceremony
Pre-Commencement 2020

Graduates! We need you to…

Use the following hashtags for posting on social media – #lsusph2020grad or #lsusphgrad2020 or #2020lsusphgrad

Sph_ Mac Os Download

Click HERE to print a copy of your “Proud LSU Grad” sign for posting and sharing pictures. Please submit your picture by email to Courtney Martin prior to Pre-Commencement to have it included in the 2020 Graduate picture wall during the ceremony. Deadline for picture submission is COB Monday, May 11th.

If you are interested in ordering regalia it can be ordered directly from Josten’s at this link – Click HERE (note: deadline to order is May 8th. Delivery is in four weeks. For any additional questions please contact the LSUHSC Campus Bookstore)

Note to all SPH Graduates from Dean G. Smith:

Graduating Class of 2020

Graduating Class of 2020 – LSU Health School of Public Health

Dear Graduating Student,
At the beginning of this academic year, many of us were looking forward to 2020. A new decade. A good year for athletics to win a national championship. A number that matches our street address. What could go wrong? Obviously, a lot has changed in the world. Thank goodness, there is a new graduating class from the LSU Health – School of Public Health ready to do something about it!

We are so proud of the work that you have done to get to this point. Your performance has been impressive in the classroom, at your public health practice sites, and in your numerous extra-curricular activities. The mission of the LSU School of Public Health is to advance the public’s health and well-being through education, research, and service with a focus on issues affecting Louisiana. You have contributed to this mission. If you are will be remaining in Louisiana, thank you for furthering this mission. If you will be going elsewhere, we know that you will help make this a better world.

Our thoughts are with you and your families as you graduate from LSU and move on. Please keep in touch with us. Send us pictures of you doing great things in public health and you can be on our website.

Sph_ Mac Os Catalina



Dean G. Smith, PhD

Updated – 4/30/2020

Updated – 4/22/2020

Student Computer Requirements

Although the LSUHSC School of Public Health (SPH) has a computer laboratory of personal computers (PCs), that resource is available primarily for use as a classroom. While it is available during non-class times, it is not available at night and on weekends.

Hence, the LSUHSC SPH suggests that all students own a PC or Mac with the following specifications:

  • PC laptop/workstation that can run Windows 10 or Mac with OS 10.11 or newer
  • AMD/Intel processor at least an i5 or better
  • Minimum 4 GB of RAM, more is better
  • At least a 160 GB hard drive
  • Wireless capability

Programs such as SAS, and ArcGIS, which only run on the Windows OS, not on the Mac OS, are generally needed by Biostatistics students. If students prefer a Mac and need SAS or ArcGIS, they will be responsible to install Apple Boot Camp or Parallels and purchase a copy of Windows Professional 10 to install on their system. SAS needs the Professional version of Windows, not Home to run.

Stata statistical software platform can be run on either Windows OS or Mac OS.

Students who do not possess their own PCs may purchase one and request reimbursement up to $1400 from Financial Aid funding. This is only available when a student is entering the program in his/her first semester and who has applied for Financial Aid. This does not apply to international students.

Students seeking reimbursement must visit Carl Kluttz or Jason Armand, IT staff for the School of Public Health, to have one of them initial the receipt for the computer purchase. This will be done if the computer meets the specifications listed above. The students may then take the initialed receipt to the Financial Aid Department to request reimbursement.

This computer cost reimbursement will be part of the expenses portion of the student loan. It will be paid to the student after the tuition is paid to LSUHSC from the financial aid loan.

Updated – 4/20/2020

From Dean Smith:

The School of Public Health will be providing remote offering of courses for Summer Session 2020. Summer orientation is scheduled for May 18 and classes will begin May 20. Given the Mayor Cantrell’s proclamation that prohibits gatherings until May 16, and the overall uncertainty regarding the progression of COVID-19, remote offering of courses will ease the challenges faced by our new and incoming students.

Details on the implementation of a complete semester of remote offering of courses will be led by Dr. Brisolara and the academic affairs team.

It is LSUHSC and the School’s hope and plan that we will return to a more traditional Fall Semester.

From Dr. Brisolara:

Based on the Dean’s announcement today, summer 2020 classes will be conducted remotely.

I will send additional details as they develop, but I suggest reaching out to your instructors directly for course-specific information. I would hold off on doing so for another week at least as faculty also just learned about the remote instruction plan today. I am anticipating most classes will do a combination of synchronous sessions and asynchronous content. If any synchronous/live sessions are required, they will take place during the class times noted on the summer course schedule.

Please contact me ASAP if you have any concerns related to continued access for remote learning (internet access, computer issues, software, etc.) so we can begin addressing those now.

Details on computer support and IT resources are on our website: https://sph.lsuhsc.edu/resources/computer-support/

Also, please check https://sph.lsuhsc.edu/covid-19/continuity-of-educational-operations/ for updates regarding Academic Affairs.

Feel free to reach out with any questions – as a reminder, our Academic Affairs team roles are on our website, but as always you can email me directly for any issues.

Hope you are all doing well – we miss seeing everyone’s face!

Updated – 3/30/2020

  • Academic Affairs Team Meetings are taking place via Zoom on Mondays at 1:00 – 2:00 pm and Thursdays 9:30 – 10:30 AM. Please contact Dr. Brisolara if you are interested in attending.


COV-19 MARCH 2020

Educational operations will continue during the event through remote education as follows:

  • Faculty will initiate remote instruction as of Monday, March 16. This will include holding a minimum of one class session via Moodle or other remote platform per week. These sessions may include one or more video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, interactive assignments, or reading and writing assignments as determined by course directors.
  • Communication will be maintained via Moodle announcements and/or email by the course director including details on assignments such as submission method.
  • Limited in person sessions may be facilitated on campus for exams or other assessment measures. These must be scheduled through the Dean and ADAA so appropriate locations can be confirmed.
  • Course directors will report to the ADAA student involvement in remote methods as collected during class sessions (attendance at synchronous sessions via Zoom, Moodle log of student viewing, assignment submission, emails). This is to verify all students are accounted for and participating.
  • Course directors should report any lack of student response to ADAA.


LSUHSC-NO Emergency Alerts: https://911.lsuhsc.edu/

Moodle: https://moodle.lsuhsc.edu/login/index.php


SPH IT Support:https://sph.lsuhsc.edu/resources/computer-support/

Remote Teaching Resource List (DePaul crowd sourced list by university – open access):bit.ly/rtresourcelist



Faculty need to contact their students by Monday, March 16 to set their expectations.

  1. Ensure that each course has a Moodle presence.
  2. Develop and communicate to students, Program Director and ADAA amended syllabus or syllabus addendum to include course work, expectations and assignments that will change due to remote course administration.
  3. Course directors will report to the ADAA student involvement in remote methods as collected during class sessions (attendance at synchronous sessions via Zoom, Moodle log of student viewing, assignment submission, emails). This is to verify all students are accounted for and participating.


Students will be required to contact course faculty to verify their ability to participate in remote sessions within the first week (7 days). If additional technical or academic support is required, contact ADAA or IT Help Desk as soon as possible. Additional instructions related to required software can be found through the IT support page below. Students impacted by events prohibiting communication will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the Dean.

  1. Sign up under LSUHSC Text Alert System https://lsuhsc.edu/eas/textemailalerts.aspx
  2. Ensure your LSUHSC credentials, password and security questions are up to date. Passwords can be reset by going to https://www.lsuhsc.edu/changepassword/
  3. Log on to the Moodle site within 48 hours of notification to receive further information regarding contacting course faculty for assignments, etc.
  4. Monitor LSUHSC email to ensure receipt of all official school communications.
  5. Faculty will continue to expect the same level of responsibility and performance from students during an event.
  6. Students are required to keep up with course work during the event as specified on course syllabi and Moodle.
  7. Students are required to turn in assignments on time during the event period and once the university campus has reopened.
  8. Students should also monitor the main LSUHSC site (lsuhsc.edu) for general information
Question: What is an SPH File?

Have you found, downloaded or received an SPH file, but don't know which software program is required to open it?

Before attempting to open an SPH file, you'll need to determine what kind of file you are dealing with and whether it is even possible to open or view the file format.

Answer: Files which are given the .SPH extension are known as Sphere files, however other file types may also use this extension. If you are aware of any additional file formats that use the SPH extension, please let us know.

How to open a SPH file:

The best way to open an SPH file is to simply double-click it and let the default assoisated application open the file. If you are unable to open the file this way, it may be because you do not have the correct application associated with the extension to view or edit the SPH file.

This file format was added to our database by a visitor to this site, but no additional information was provided. We have yet to investigate this file type further, or there was not enough information available at the time to report accurately on the format.

Please check back soon for more information as we are constantly updating our file descriptions based on search frequency.

Tip: Try to open the SPH file using a text-editor such as Notepad, as many file types contain simply contain unformatted plain-text and can viewed correctly using this method.