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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
que acabe com ele
É o local ideal para rebentar com ele.
Ofereci-me para ele pelo primeiro lugar.
Tentaram jogar ele e o Chibs para fora da estrada.
The only way to stop that monster is to blow him up.
A única forma de deter o monstro é fazê-lo explodir.
Que se ofereça para dar coca na esquina.
But the fact that his own gang tried to blow him up, makes me feel a little better about the situation.
Mas o facto do seu próprio gang tentar explodi-lo, faz-me sentir um pouco melhor sobre a situação.
I'm sorry he made you wait and audition last, but you're going to blow him away I know it.
Desculpa ter-te feito esperar e deixar-te para último, mas eu sei que vais arrasar.
But the fact that his own gang just tried to blow him up makes me feel a little better about the situation.
Mas o facto de o grupo ter tentado fazê-lo explodir faz-me sentir melhor.
So if Rebecca's with this group, makes sense she'd hold Terrence responsible, try to blow him up.
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Se Rebeca está com esse grupo, faz sentido que responsabilize Terrence, - e tentaria explodi-lo.
Espera, eu vou explodir com ele.
E só estive com ele três vezes.
But sometimes, it goes down early, then you have to blow him.
Você a usa quando quer destruí-lo em pedacinhos.
That's why Grandmaster's got us taking these moombas back to his brother on Knowhere, to blow him up instead.
Foi por isso que o Grande Mestre nos contratou para levar os moombas de volta ao seu irmão em Knowhere, para o explodir a ele.
Man tries to blow him up, and now he's got Boyd running around doing his errands.
O cara tentou explodi-lo e agora ele tem o Boyd andando por aí fazendo as tarefas dele.
I'll send the farmers to blow him up... and make his lawyers do the hoeing.
Vou mandar os fazendeiros acabarem com ele e fazer os advogados dele ararem a terra.
Man tries to blow him up, and now he's got Boyd running around doing his errands.
O tipo tentou acabar com ele, e agora o Boyd anda por aí a fazer os recados dele.
Mal podia esperar para o soprar para fora do palco.
Queres que acabe com ele? Não!
Quer que eu o mande embora?
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Pemberton Correspondence





Sender Place

Radcliffe Bridge; Radcliffe, Lancashire, England


Ralph Pemberton

Receiver Place


Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

53.559338, -2.326155


Margery Vosse, Radcliffe Bridge, Radcliffe Lancashire, Ralph Pemberton, John Haydock, Henry Haydock, John Mason, Richard Mather, Richard Siddall, Peter Colbourne, Susan Parr, Susannah Crompton, Thomas Tillsley, Quakers, Society of Friends


Letter dated August 28, 1684 (August 18, 1684 Old Style) from Margery Vosse to Ralph Pemberton.




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PRINT Migration Network: Pemberton Correspondence


[The following is written in Margery Vosse’s hand]

18 [de/ye?] [the] 6 month 1684

dear ould [old]

mester [master] Relph Pemberton [Ralph Pemberton] my dear love to you and to Phinehas [Phineas Pemberton] and

Phebe [Phebe Pemberton] Abegail [Abigail Pemberton] and Joseph [Joseph Pemberton] and to Jems Harison [James Harrison] and his wif [wife] and ould [old] An [Ann Harrison]

[and?] to lide [Lidea?] and my Dear love to Joseph Mether [Joseph Mather] and my love to all your

firnds [friends] I Desir [desire] to heer [hear] from you oft [often] it doth [does] delight my heart

as for your Dets [debts] I cen [can] but [get] [little] of them in which is sum [some]

Trobel [trouble] to mee [me] peopel [people] ere [are] so bad and teems [times] ere [are] so heard [hard]

I cenot [cannot] tel [tell] how to geet [get] any of them for if I could

I wold [would]

[The following is written in Richard Mather’s hand.]

I have not seen John ^Hadock^ [John Haydock] never since you went but I sent

by his Brother Henery [Henry Haydock] 16 shilling for goods in ye [the] [illegible--page torn]

and Nathaniell Atherton [Nathaniel Atherton] sent att [at] that same time [illegible--page torn]

which he Recd [received] of John Mason for Phineass [Phineas Pemberton] & [and] gave

it to Henery Hadock [Henry Haydock] & [and] he promised to give it to his

Brother and my master Says he will pay for halfe [half]

a [holpe?] [helping?] of meall [meal] and 3 [werkes/weekes?] [partially illegible—page tear] table [work tables?/weeks?] and old [England?] […] [illegible, from [England?] to remainder of line—page tear]

[m...] [illegible, 2 words—page tear] to you [...] William Walker [in...ele?] man [remember/Richard Mather?]

his [kind] love to you & [and] Robert Linsley & [and] Richard Siddall

and Richard Mather Junior Remembrs [remembers] his kind love to you

& [and] to his Brother Joseph [Joseph Mather] and as for ye [the] Shop I think I have

as good costom [custom] for ye [the] goods [ith] [with?] Shop as I we had when you

were hear [here] for this year is more then [than] it was last year I

Shall Return very near as much as you & [and] I was weent [wont/want?] to doe [do]

Petter Colbourn [Peter Colbourne] has left this house to his Brother James [James’]

[little Sonn/Littleson?] [James’ son/James Littleson?] & [and] new houses [house] to Herry son [Harrison/Harry's son?] and Shusan Parr [Susan Parr] is dead

Shusanah Crompton [Susannah Crompton] was and old Richard Walker & [and] his

wife Remembers there [their] dere [dear] love to you and Rich [Richard Walker] says he

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cold [could] be glad to see you att [at] Ratclife Bridg [Radcliffe Bridge] againe [again] and

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Thomas Tildsley [Thomas Tinsley] I think goes not on soe [so] as he did att [at]

first [See?] [sight/sea?] with my dere [dear] love to you ^I^ Remaine [remain]

yor [your] ffaithfull [Faithful] Sarvent [servent]

Margery Vosse

fform [From] Ratclife

Bridg [Radcliffe Bridge] 1684

[page 2]

[The following is written in a more modern hand, in the bottom right corner, oriented along the right margin.]

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Margery Vosse

Radcliffe Bridge

6mo. [6th month] 18 1684


Margery Vosse, Radcliffe Bridge; Radcliffe, Lancashire, England, to Ralph Pemberton, n.p., 1684-08-28, vol. 2, pg. 36, Pemberton Family Papers, 1641-1880, 0484A, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PRINT, 15926, https://stars.library.ucf.edu/printmigrationnetwork-pemberton/158/.

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Since September 18, 2019


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