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Screen Receiver
Software that displays the screen of a calculator on your PC by connecting the PC to the calculator through a USB cable. You can save the screen as image data and use it to explain the operating instructions of the calculator.
Compatible series
- ClassPad II fx-CP400 / fx-CG500 /
- ClassPad 330 PLUS /
- fx-CG50 / GRAPH90+ E /
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- fx-9860GIII / fx-9750GIII /
Screen Receiver User's Guide
Launch into the ultimate head trip as you blast through psychotic robots in a retro 70's sci-fi action adventure from Double Fine Productions. It is a world of automation, a utopia gone wrong in which all of humanity have transferred their minds into robotic imposter bodies and are ruled by a computer.
Share Assistant
Software that transfers data and programs from multiple calculators at the same time by connecting a PC to the calculators through USB cables.
Compatible series
- ClassPad II fx-CP400 /
Program Link Software(FA-124)
Software that saves the program, data and the backup data on your PC by connecting the PC to the calculators through a USB cable.
Compatible series
- fx-9860GII series /
Smol Lander Mac Os 11
Program Link Software(FA-124) User's Guide
Program Link Software(FA-CP1)
Software that saves the program, data and the backup data on your PC by connecting the PC to the calculators through a USB cable.
Compatible series
- ClassPad 330 /
- ClassPad 300
Program Link Software(FA-CP1) User's Guide
Screen Capture
Software that saves the screen of a calculator as image data for explanation of the operating instructions etc.
Compatible series
- ClassPad 330 /
- ClassPad 300
Screen Capture User's Guide
Exam Mode Unlocker
Smol Lander Mac Os Download
Software that unlocks the Exam Mode and turns back to normal by connecting graphing calculators to PC.
Compatible series
- GRAPH35+ E /
- GRAPH75+ E /
- fx-9860GII /
- fx-9860GII SD /
- fx-9860GIIs /
- fx-9860G AU PLUS
Exam Mode Unlocker User's Guide
Home > Touro College New York > Lander College of Arts and Sciences > The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences > Vol. 13 > No. 2
The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences
Article Title
There are three theories of cancer development analyzed in this review. The first theory is the immunological theory, which states that cancer is a result of the immune system failing to detect a cancerous cell in which results in uncontrolled cell growth. The second theory is the somatic mutation theory, which states that genetic mutations are a direct cause cancer. The third theory is the stem cell theory which states that cancer results from an uncontrolled stem cell. The difference in each theory helps guide a clinician’s judgment in how to treat cancer. If a clinician believes in the immunological theory, he/she will view the best route of treatment as being by targeting the patient’s immune system. One who believes somatic mutation theory would say that the patient’s genetic makeup of the patient is the ideal target for treatment. One who believes in the stem cell theory would say that the only method of treatment is to remove the cancer entirely as any residual cancer will return. Based on all the evidence it appears that there is not one individual factor that causes cancer development, rather it is a combination of several factors that result in cancer.
Recommended Citation
Mayer, A. M. (2020). Which Hypothesis Best Explains the Development of Cancer?. The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences, 13(2), 5-12. Retrieved from
Included in
Biology Commons, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health Commons
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